Hey guys,
After giving the talk here in Caye Caulker on Sunday, I jumped on a boat and headed to San Pedro.
Their meeting did not start until 6 pm, so I had a chance to rest for a few hours before giving the talk again. I was told the talk sounded good.
I decided to make a few minor adjustments to it, but the majority of the information was just as needed and beneficial here as it is in the States.
It was a very interesting couple of days...
Giving 2 public talks in one day is exhausting, but also makes you feel really good because you know that without the help of Jehovah's holy spirit, you couldn't do it.
The chairman at the meeting in San Pedro, was a brother named Denny Sunderman.
When he announced the opening song, the music didn't start...so he started to hum, and then led the entire congregation in an ocapella version of song #178 (The Excelling "Peace of God").
It was really cool. I had never seen that done before.
Then, after the meeting, a group of us went to eat at a little restaurant right on the ocean.
The food was great.
Then, I had to stay overnight because the last boat from San Pedro to Caye Caulker runs at 4:30 pm. I stayed at this brother and sisters house, and they live at the "Belize Yacht Club". There was basically an extra apartment downstairs, which is where I stayed. It was the first night I've slept in air conditioning for a month...so that was nice. To be honest though, I kinda missed my "tree house".
I ended up having to stay another night to get my passport stamped by the immigration office here in Belize. You have to do that once a month and you have to go to either San Pedro or Belize City to do it. The second night I stayed with Barry and Danielle Vista, a young couple who has moved down here from North Carolina. They are planning to stay here. Actually, Barry took the lead in laying the tile for the Kingdom Hall here in Caye Caulker. I had a really good time with them.
Now let's get to the pics...
1st pic: I am standing outside the Kingdom Hall before I go in to give my talk, with a man named "v-mail", i think...He is studying right now and is deaf. So, he comes to the meetings and the brothers in San Pedro play the meetings on video, which translates the material to ASL.
2nd - 4th pics: These are just pics of the inside and the outside of the Kingdom Hall in San Pedro. Since their Kingdom Hall has air conditioning, all the brothers wear jackets when they are giving their talks. However, I didn't even bring a jacket down here with me!
So, I had to borrow one from Dan...it was pin-striped and my pants were not, but it turned out ok. I always look funny anyways, right? Haha
5th pic: Closest to the camera is "v-mail", to his left, the brother in the blue shirt is Nate. He is 18 years old and fluent in ASL...he actually did the translating for the meeting on Sunday.
Next to him, the couple in the back of the pic is Randy and Cameron Smith. They both served at Bethel and moved down here a few months ago. They, too, are planning to stay here permanently. Last, but not least, is Dennis Kay. He and his wife, who was sick Sunday, are who I stayed with on Sunday night. They are also here permanently.
Anyways, that's what I did the last couple of days. I heard the Special Assembly Day went well.
Congrats on getting baptized Brother Bellevance!!
By the way, we figured up the ratio of people at either the Spanish or English Memorial compared to the number of people on Caye Caulker...1/ 8-10 people living here were at the Memorial!!!
Thanks for keepimg up with the blog everyone. Please keep in touch. I've heard that it can be difficult to post a comment on here, so if you are having problems with it, just e-mail me at:
Love ya'all,